Monday, November 7, 2011

Letting the Cat Out of the Bag.

This post is mainly for my family and friends...those of you who know us well and are around us regularly (although hopefully the rest of you find it interesting too...)  To be honest with you all, I have been really nervous about telling everyone about our plans for the future.  I have this feeling that everyone will think we've gone off the deep end, are turning into hermits, or that we're becoming health nuts.  I hope that by reading my latest posts you'll see where we're coming from.

I also apologize that you're all finding out about these things via facebook and my blog.  It's not that I don't want to talk to you all in's just sort of a weird thing to bring up out of nowhere.  I feel like I'll be able to explain myself much better by writing it out than trying to do it in person.  As you'll see from reading my other posts, much of our plans and dreams are still developing, so for me to try to convey our feelings in conversation could end up a little muddled.  We've just been doing a lot of thinking, dreaming, and praying lately and feel we need to move in this direction, and we really want our friends and family to know where we're coming from and share your insight with us too!  So go ahead and read my two previous posts: An Agrarian Home-Based Lifestyle, Parts 1 and 2.  Preferably in that order:)  Part 3 should be on its way soon.

Other things of note...P90X is still underway!  I've lost about 6-7 lbs. so far, but the most notable thing for me is that I now have triceps!  The diet side has been a little rough...but tomorrow is another day, right?  A bunch of ladies at my church have committed to cutting out sugar until Thanksgiving, and I think I'm going to join them.  I'm generally a believer in moderation, but with the glut of Halloween candy still lying around, I really have to go all or nothing...

Courser Deer Processing is booming.  So far we have taken in 95 deer--well ahead of where we were last year.  And I love having a business where our kids can really participate.  They're learning to work hard, relate well with customers, save money, and to be careful with sharp objects:-)  Not to mention that seeing three generations of Courser boys working together makes my heart feel happy.

Have a great day everyone!